Gabi (front left in the photo) is a graduate of Emunah’s Neve Michael children’s home. While there he learned to play an instrument as part of the Sulamot music program at Neve Michael. Sulamot – Music for Social Change is an innovative and inspiring music education program initiated by the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, whose mission is to create social change by opening the world of music to children from low socio-economic backgrounds from various sectors in Israeli society.
Children in the Sulamot Program in Neve Michael learn to play: trumpet, drums, tuba, trombone, flute, saxophone, clarinet and guitar. There are 3 orchestras: for the younger children, the older children and one for exceptional children of all ages.
Click here to see the Sulamot program in Neve Michael in action.
On Yom Ha’Atzmaut Gabi was part of the IDF band playing at President Herzog’s residence for the National Yom Ha’atzmaut (Independence Day) ceremony. Kol hakavod to Gabi and a huge thank you to all who supported his musical journey.